The Facts About Commercial Insurance

Independent insurance agents insure company decision makers through providing intensive liability coverage. Commonly, businesses rely upon extensive packages to operate, and Watlington & Cooper is ready to deliver support for those seeking an insurance agent.

Commercial Property Insurance

Most businesses thrive upon commercial property insurance. Understandably, commercial property requires protection, and property coverage packages defend one's business from fire, wind, and water damage. Similarly, vandalism and other accidental coverage situations are covered. A variety of coverage options exist - each with its own benefit to business owners.

While each commercial property is different, most opt for comprehensive plans accommodating for debris removal, builder's risk insurance, and reparation expense coverage. Rebuilding commercial property can be expensive but commercial property insurance, when accessed through an effective commercial insurance package, adequately supports rebuilding and repair processes.

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Errors and omissions insurance covers a commercial entity's inadvertent failures or mistakes caused through a third party. While these errors must be considered "inadvertent" rather than intentional or of poor judgment, such mistakes are often covered through policies directed towards securing a business's total liability. Often, errors and omissions insurance options are applied alongside general commercial liability coverage. Commercial liability coverage itself insures an entity's fiscal resources in event of legal expenses. Accidents happen, and maintaining an effective liability response is important.

Commercial Fleet Insurance

Commercial fleet insurance applies to companies relying upon commercial vehicles for daily operation. Taxi services, cars, trucks, construction vehicles, and trailers may be covered beneath a commercial automobile insurance plan. Additionally, expansive coverage options exist for companies needed extended vehicle use.

When comparing quotes, consider your business's needs. Again, every commercial entity is different, and each requires select coverage options to remain efficient and successful. Your expert providers operate upon year-to-year industry standards, so each compared quote is gathered with top-quality tactics. Utilizing great industry resources ensures great comparisons, and many insurance options exist for industry leaders.
